Pioneer in the domain industry
since 1996

World class customer service.
No hidden costs

Proudly Australian owned and

About MITC
Melbourne IT Corporate has been helping corporate businesses manage their domain names and protect their brands since 1996.
Since launching the domain industry, Melbourne IT have become one of the most trusted brands in the domain landscape. We deliver results for all business, from small companies to large corporates.
Melbourne IT Corporate is locally operated, and based in Melbourne VIC, Australia.

Our Solutions
Domain Name Management
A large organisation might have 100s of domain names. Keeping track of them can be a real challenge. Losing even one may be a disaster.
Domain Registration & Renewal
Fast and secure domain registration with 1000’s of global TLD’s available. Save time with our auto renewal functionality.
Domain Name Brokerage
DPML is a blocking service by Donuts to block domain registrations matching trademarks recorded in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).
Registry Lock
The AdultBlock service ensures the registered term is blocked from registration across all four adult themed Top-Level Domains (TLD’s).
Trademark Clearinghouse
The first step to securing the domain name(s) important to your business is to submit your registered trademark to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).
DPML is a blocking service by Donuts to block domain registrations matching trademarks recorded in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).